
Friday, December 07, 2007

Who'll Stop the Arraign?

Our apologies to John Fogerty. At 9 am PST today, Barry Bonds will appear in court for his arraignment on perjury charges. The U.S. vs. Barry Bonds (not to be confused with Gary U.S. Bonds) will begin in a federal courthouse in San Francisco as the government proceeds with charges that Bonds lied about steroid and HGH use before a federal grand jury.

Today's process is about 15 minutes. It includes the arraignment before U.S. Magistrate Judge Maria-Elena James, and a trial date to be set by U.S. District Judge Susan Illston. Bonds will then plead "not guilty" and be released on his own recognizance. Thus will begin a long and arduous task by the government to prove their case.


Despite the case, the Oakland A's are still considering signing Bonds to be their DH.

Props to the hilarious "The Onion" for the photo.

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