Now Pitching, Uno

Crazy, you say? A dog throwing out the first pitch?. Uno indeed threw out the first pitch in Saturday's game between the Cincinnati Reds and Miwaukee Brewers.
Reporter: “So Uno -- what do you think of Milwaukee?”Uno may now be the most popular "person" in Milwaukee since Hank Aaron.Uno: “Yeowp!”
Reporter: “How did you train for the first pitch?”
Uno goes after unattended fondue pot.
Reporter: "Is it true you have your own harness and seat when you travel Midwest Airlines?"
Uno goes after unattended nachos.
Reporter: “Will you give your new friend Jeff Suppan back the glove you stole from him in the dug-out?”
Uno: No.
Labels: Beagles, Beagles on the Web, Jeff Suppan, Milwaukee Brewers, Now Pitching Uno, Numero Uno, Uno

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