
Tuesday, June 10, 2008

How Far 'Wood' You Go?

HGH, Anabolic steroids, we've heard all we probably want to hear about them. Well apparently a new drug is now being used as a performance enhancer. Technically it already is that, but it's being used to enhance athletic performance.

If you haven't guessed it by now, we're talking about Viagra. The New York Daily News is reporting that Roger Clemens is one of many athletes now using the little blue pill for off-brand purposes.
Clemens stashed the clearly marked, diamond-shaped pills in a GNC vitamin bottle in his locker at Yankee Stadium, according to a source familiar with the clubhouse, perhaps keeping the drug undercover to avoid the inevitable wisecracks about all the girlfriends he needed to please.
Widespread use of the drug now has anti-doping official scurrying to learn more.
"All my athletes took it," BALCO founder Victor Conte, whose acolytes included Jason Giambi, Barry Bonds and Marion Jones, said of an over-the-counter supplement he claimed mimicked the effects of Viagra.
Off-label uses include:
  • Helps build endurance, especially for athletes who compete at high altitudes
  • Delivers oxygen, nutrients and performance-enhancing drugs to muscles more efficiently
  • Counteracts the impotence that can be a side-effect of testosterone injections
Viagra is also used by athletes in the traditional sense, but because steroids have impacted their sexual effectiveness. Teammates better just look out in the shower.

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