Day 12 Photos
Georgie in the house that he built

"Don't forget to mow my lawn later"

"Mine are Ray-Bans. Yours?"

Something we'd better not see too much of from Abreu this year

"Um Bobby, we use a glove out here"

Igawa: "What are the fans saying?"
Godzilla: "You suck"

$119 million smile

A-Rod does his David Tyree impression


"Don't forget to mow my lawn later"

"Mine are Ray-Bans. Yours?"

Something we'd better not see too much of from Abreu this year

"Um Bobby, we use a glove out here"

Igawa: "What are the fans saying?"
Godzilla: "You suck"

$119 million smile

A-Rod does his David Tyree impression

Labels: Alex Rodriguez, Bobby Abreu, Day 12 Photos, Derek Jeter, George Steinbrenner, Hideki Matsui, Joe Girardi

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