
Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Another A-Hole Country is Heard From

We already had Jose Canseco representing the slime at the bottom of the fish tank; did we really need someone to join him? John Rocker, he of the big mouth and small brain, came out of the steroid closet yesterday and said he failed a test back in 2000 as a member of the Braves.

Rocker also stated that while a member of the Texas Rangers, he, Alex Rodriguez, Ivan Rodriguez, and Rafael Palmeiro were pulled aside by doctors from management and the players association in 2002 to be shown the proper way to use steroids. Rocker wouldn't mention who the doctors were.
"Look guys, if you take one kind of steroid, you don't triple stack them and take them 10 months out of the year like Lyle Alzedo did," Rocker said the doctors told them. "If you do it responsibly, it's not going to hurt you."
Love a guy who throws names around and lets you just take from it what you want. Rocker also said Bud Selig knew he failed a steroid test in 2000 and did nothing about it.
"Bud Selig knew in the year 2000 John Rocker was taking the juice," the former pitcher said Monday of the baseball commissioner, on Atlanta radio station 680. "Didn't do anything about it."
Also, don't you just love a guy who refers to himself in the 3rd person ("Jimmy's gonna get you, Kramer"). All we can ask of John Rocker is that he crawls back under the rock he came out from.


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