
Monday, February 11, 2008

Major League Ramblings - February 11 Edition

Our thoughts and prayers go out to Richard Zednik of the Florida Panthers and his family. Zednik's carotid artery was cut by a teammate's stake in yesterday's game with Buffalo. Zednik quickly made his way to the Panther's bench, leaving a trail of blood in his wake. Doctors quickly attended to him and he was rushed to the hospital for emergency life saving surgery. He is in stable condition today and should make a full recovery.

The Celtics, minus Kevin Garnett, beat the Spurs before a national TV audience yesterday, leaving the Celtics 5-0 against the Western Conference.

In case anyone cares, the NFC beat the AFC in yesterday's Pro Bowl. Adrian Peterson won the game's MVP award.

Shawn Marion made his debut for the Heat yesterday, but Miami lost for the 22nd time in 23 games. Yes, you read that correctly.

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