And Here's the Pitch...

There's no doubt that Clemens is guilty by association in the eyes of many people. They feel if McNamee told the truth about Pettitte, why would he lie about Clemens. Even Mike Wallace asked that of Clemens. My answer to that would be to keep himself from going to federal prison. So we are in a quandary. Everything that Clemens says or doesn't say could be taken in either direction.
When queried by Wallace, Clemens said he probably would retire rather than subject himself to unwarranted scrutiny. Is is really that or is it because he can no longer play without steroids. it goes on and on.
Unless some evidence is produced, this will all continued to be a case of "he said, he said". One thing is certain- Clemens was probably a lot more truthful than Pervez Musharraf or the scumbag former hitman that were interview first.
Labels: 60 Minutes, Andy Pettitte, Brian McNamee, HGH, Mike Wallace, Mitchell Report, Roger Clemens, Steroids

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