
Sunday, January 06, 2008

Clemens and McNamee Have Words

Just what those words were is anyone's guess, but Roger Clemens and Brian McNamee had a telephone converation Friday, the first time the two have talked since the Mitchell Report was released on December 13.

Without going into detail, a person close to the situation (we doubt it was Andy) said that the pair had an "emotional" conversation that lasted an hour. Clemens' interview with Mike Wallace will air this evening, shortly after the conclusion of the Titans-Chargers playoff game.

Roger Clemens, according to his attorney, will indeed be going to Washington D.C., having agreed to testify before Congress on January 16. McNamee's attorney said his client has accepted the invitation as well. Based on what he has said so far, it's hard to imagine Clemens clamming up like Mark McGwire (or claiming he suddenly can't speak English ala Sammy Sosa).

Clemens's troubles may be getting worse no matter what happens with the steroid investigation. Jeff Novitzky, the IRS agent responsible for the indictment of Barry Bonds on felony charges is said to be looking into the Clemens matter as well. It's difficult to see where Novitzky would be going with an investigation since Clemens has not testified before a grand jury as Bonds did.

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