I'm Alex Rodriguez

A-Rod took the opportunity to flatly deny the use of any illegal substances, as well as deny ever having seen anyone else using steroids or HGH. There aren't too many people outside of Jose Canseco who think that A-Rod has been cheating.
He also talked about he "stunk" during post-season play and how it was "unacceptable".
Then we got down to the brass tacks of why this interview was granted. A-Rod talked about how shocked and mortified he was, when while watching the World Series, he heard FOX's Ken Rosenthal announce that A-Rod would be opting out of his Yankees' contract. He took the opportunity to again apologize to the Red Sox and Rockies for what occurred.
A-Rod did admit that ultimately he was responsible since it was his agent/attorney that took these actions. However, he also stated that he did not know that the Yankees were interested in retaining him prior to opting out. It's hard to imagine this intelligent person not knowing what was going on in the world around him.
"When I realized things were going haywire, at that point I said, 'Wait a minute, I've got to be accountable for my own life. This is not going the way I wanted it to go.' So I got behind the wheel."
Rodriguez also talked about his strained relationship with Boras, and the lack of communication that is currently taking place between them. He then talked about how he, on the advice of Warren Buffett, approached the Yankees himself to apologize, and to see if they were still interested. And the rest is history.
Some people will come away from this interview thinking A-Rod was sincere. Others will believe it is just more of the too slick PR approach that has created a bad taste in the mouths of his colleagues and baseball fans. We think there were parts of both, but unfortunately more of the latter.
You can view pieces of the interview on the official 60 Minutes website.
Labels: 60 Minutes, A-Rod, Alex Rodriguez, Katie Couric, Scott Boras

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