
Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Gary Carter is Nuts

Hall of Fame catcher Gary Carter comes off as one of the nicest guys around. In actuality he's all about himself and is nothing more than a self promoting blowhard. Any time Carter speaks he pats himself on the back.

A few months ago Carter was on Mike and the Mad Dog and used his time to campaign for a managerial job, just as he campaigned to get into the Hall of Fame. Though he certainly deserved induction into the hall, no one will be jumping on the "Carter for Manager" bandwagon too soon.

Carter made inquiries to the Wilpons earlier this year when he heard Willie Randolph's job might be in jeopardy. Now comes word from the NY Post's George King that Carter has taken an unprovoked shot at Joe Girardi, questioning his fellow catcher's managerial qualifications.
"[The] pictures Joe Girardi must have on Steinbrenner," said Carter, who is managing in a California independent league.
Some people need to just go away. Far, far away. Perhaps Carter can get a gig with Bobby Valentine in Japan.

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