Turning Up the Heat on Clemens

Let's say Clemens is innocent; that he indeed never used steroids or HGH. By taking a holier than thou approach, waving the American flag, and splitting his personality between Texas hayseed and New York wolf, he's made himself look like a fool. Innocent or not, Clemens' reputation has already taken a huge hit and Congress is working to ensure it gets damaged even more.
After the circus they called a hearing back on February 13, members of the House Oversight committee felt that Clemens had lied to them under oath. In a joint statement drafted by committee chair Henry Waxman (D-Calif) and co-chair Tom Davis (R-Va), Congress has asked the Justice Department to begin an investigation if Clemens provided them with false statements. Any such claims could lead to perjury charges being brought against Clemens.
There has been some backlash from committee member Darrell Issa (R-Calif), who publicly admonished the committee, prior to the hearings, for even considering the matter. Issa feels that right or wrong, this whole thing has been a witch hunt with Clemens as the target. It's hard to disagree with that feeling. And it's an automatic to know that this is a complete waste of tax dollars.
Now Clemens must decide how he is going to proceed. Fight to death or try to salvage what little dignity he has left.
* * *
The Houston Astros may quickly distance themselves from Clemens due to all the negative publicity. Reports came out earlier today that the Astros were thinking of terminating Clemens' 10-yr personal services contract. But this afternoon Astros owner Drayton McClane said he would honor Clemens' deal.
Of course all that could change if charges are brought against Clemens and he's found guilty. There's no reason for McClane to play his hand right now.
* * *
The Yankees, of course, are very concerned about how all of this might affect Andy Pettitte. Hank Steinbrenner and Joe Girardi have already vocalized their feelngs, hoping that Pettitte won't have to be distracted until the off-season.
Though some may doubt his veracity or call him a rat, Andy Pettitte is still concerned first and foremost for his friend."I don't give a hoot about Roger Clemens or about (Brian) McNamee or about the government," Hank Steinbrenner said. "I only care about our guy, Andy Pettitte, and how this might affect him - which I certainly hope it doesn't.
"They obviously like him and I hope they don't put him through the wringer again. He may have to testify again, but who knows how long any of this is going to take. It could be a long, long time."
"I don't like anything that's going on," Pettitte said Thursday. "I cannot stand it. I've told y'all how I feel about [Clemens]. It's like a part of my family that's having to go through this."Pettitte knew that Justice Dept. involvement could become a reality once everything started to unfold.
You can bet the Red Sox are hoping Pettitte gets plenty of distractions."To tell you the truth, as far in my mind, I was prepared it might happen," Pettitte said. "I hate it and there's nothing else I need to say. I think everyone realizes how I feel about this whole situation.
"I've got one concern right now and that's trying to help this team. That's what I'm trying to get my mind on."
Labels: Andy Pettitte, Drayton McClane, HGH, Roger Clemens, Rusty Hardin, Steroids

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