
Wednesday, February 20, 2008

That Crazy A-Rod

During Alex Rodriguez's "How 'ya doing" repartee with reporters this morning, he mentioned that he was tested 9 or 10 times for drugs last year.

That high number got the media's attention, including that Journal News beat writer/blog king Peter Abraham. Why would someone be tested that many times if there were no issue. Well it turns out that A-Rod was just being A-Rod, and was making his point by exaggerating a bit.

Since reporters, of course, queried him about the high number, A-Rod felt compelled to release a statement to clarify things.

“My quote from earlier today was taken literally. I was not tested nine or 10 times last year. I was just using exaggeration to make a point.

“My intent was simply to shed light on the fact that the current program being implemented is working, and a reason for that is through frequent testing.

“I apologize for any confusion I may have caused.”

Wonder if A-Rod will be getting a call from Henry Waxman or perhaps Arlen Specter.

"So then I told them I was tested 9 or 10 times."

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