
Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Leyritz Releases Statement, Hires Lawyer

We didn't get a chance to report on this the other day, but Jim Leyritz, through his attorney, released a statement to the public regarding his actions/behavior of December 28.
"Due to the tragic and unfortunate events of December 28, 2007, Mr. Leyritz and his family wish to express their deepest sympathies and condolences to the Veitch and O'Keefe families."
Since then Leyritz has hired high profile lawyer David Bogenschutz to try salvage his own life. Leyritz will certainly need all the help he can get. Information has now been released that Leyritz already had a poor driving record, that included at least seven traffic citations for speeding and running stop signs in Broward County alone.

Meanwhile, Fredia Veitch's husband Jordan prepares his wife's funeral.

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