
Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Play Bawl

You all remember Suzyn Waldman's over the top reaction to Roger Clemens' announcement that he was returning to the Yankees. Well last night on the air, she had a complete melt down on the air concerning Joe Torre, the coaches, and players.

The Yankees team isn't the only thing that needs changes.

Here's the link to the audio.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness gracious! Roger Clemens is on the mound and he has nothing left. Of all the dramatic things I have ever seen. He's stolen $18 million dollars from the team on a hope and a prayer.

Couldn't have happened to a better guy!

We'll be thinking of you at the parade in Boston at the end of the month.

Oh and that clip gets great milege here on Boston radio. I laugh everytime I hear it played!

10/09/2007 4:15 PM  
Blogger Drew Sarver said...

It gets great play here too..And don't underestimate the Indians.

10/09/2007 4:17 PM  

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