
Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Mike Hargrove Loves BJs

Well who doesn't, but only Mike Hargrove will manage them. Citing a loss of fun in his job, Hargrove stepped down earlier this season as skipper of the Seattle Mariners. But apparently the passion is still there.

Hargrove will be the new manager of the Liberal Bee Jays (so much could be set right there) in Liberal, Kansas. What makes this story even more unusual is that the Bee Jays, not to be confused with the Bee Gees, are a semi-pro team.

Hargrove played for the Liberal team right after college.


image courtesy of the official site of the Liberal Bee Jays

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

good find man

and why would a team ever call themselves the bee-jays?

9/18/2007 5:14 PM  
Blogger Drew Sarver said...

Thank you. That's a good question. The team started in the '50s. Not sure if the phrase had been popularized yet for, um, other matters.

9/18/2007 5:22 PM  

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