
Thursday, June 07, 2007

Selig Pressures Giambi

Comparisons have already been made to the McCarthy hearings of the '50s and this indeed sounds like a witch hunt. Commissioner Varmint-head has "asked" Jason Giambi to cooperate with George Mitchell's investigation into steroid abuse in major league baseball. The comish has stated that if Giambi cooperates his punishment, if any, would be less.

The MLBPA has already reacted strongly to Selig's statement as has Yankees' player rep Mike Mussina.

"What is [Selig] going to do with the answers when he gets them? I don't know. Are you going to punish somebody for something that happened before there was a testing policy?

"Sounds to me like [Selig] is trying to do whatever he can do."

Other teammates of Giambi reacted strongly as well.

"I don't know what they can get out of him ... I don't know if he knows of anything" pertaining to the matter, Johnny Damon said. Then, referring to himself, Damon added, "I guess it's good to be clueless at times."

"Unless he's called back into grand jury, I can't see him talking about anything," said Mike Myers, an officer in the players association.

"You're going to punish somebody for giving an interview? It sounds like, 'We're going to punish you if you don't answer our questions, and if we don't like the answers [you do give] we're going to punish you some more,' " Myers said. "It's a joke."

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